The services we offer have proved invaluable to patients and surgeons during the operative process. The additional support that we offer ensures you are happier and feel more supported during this anxious period, which provides a smoother recovery period.
Our virtual service is delivered via a direct business number, which is available 24/7. This can be WhatsApp messages, or phone or video calls.
WEEKS 0–3 Post Operative
We provide a responsive helpline, after you have been discharged, for any surgically related concerns you may have.
The service is available 24/7 for post-operative advice for the first three weeks, as this is usually the period when you may feel most vulnerable following your surgery, and when wound issues or infection most commonly occur.
WEEKS 4–8 Post Operative
Our helpline is available to you for the following five weeks, via WhatsApp and telephone calls during office hours, from 9am to 5pm, seven days a week.
+ Out of hours nursing support
+ Friendly approachable nurses
+ Specialists in cosmetic surgery
+ Helps relieve post-operative anxiety
During your home visit your specialist nurse will:
Offer advice regarding the post-surgical progress and rehabilitation
Provide expert wound management to ensure things are healing as expected
Assist with showering and hair washing, if required – which is usually a welcome relief after surgery
All our packages are bespoke and created to meet your individual needs.
This provides you with an
opportunity to meet your private nurse before surgery and discuss your needs.
We provide a responsive helpline, after you have been discharged, for any surgically related concerns you may have.
Your nurse will come to you for a one-hour visit and:
Check your wound and remove sutures or clips if required
Remove nasal splints if required
Assist with showering and hair washing
Offer emotional support
Provide post-operative advice
Your nurse will then liaise with your surgeon and report on your medical progress and any recovery issues.
Wound Care Only Visit
All prices are available on request.
We can provide bespoke nursing care tailored to you.
"5-Star Service"
"Nurse Laura came to me as an aftercare service via a highly respected Harley Street surgeon, which on its own says it all. The care she offers is certainly in the 5-star bracket. She is thorough, shows empathy and sympathy, always smiling, thoughtful, a great listener for subjects that maybe difficult to talk about and totally professional."
"In the comfort of my own home"
"So being able to have this serve in the comfort of my own home was without a doubt the best decision I made. Taking the stress away from travelling back and forth would have been uncomfortable and costly."
"An integral part of my recovery"
"Laura has been an integral part of my recovery and overall surgery experience. She is so generous with her time, reassured me when I was worried and answered all my questions (even the silly ones) had both pre and post surgery."
© 2022 Specialist Cosmetic Care Limited. All rights reserved Specialist Cosmetic Care Limited 2022